How Teams Can Come Back From a Loss | Barry Kornfeld

Barry Kornfeld
2 min readFeb 10, 2021

No matter how long a team’s winning streak is, eventually, there will be a loss. Coming back from that can be difficult, especially when egos are wounded. It’s important to not get discouraged, but it’s also equally essential that a team never gets comfortable with losing. There is a balance that needs to be established, which can be found by following these tips:

Hit the Gym or the Field

When an athlete or team has suffered a loss, it could be tempting to take a break and think about what could have gone wrong. The best thing to do is, however, is get back out there and take action. If you lost the game, match, or race, this is the perfect time to try to improve and work on how to be better. Through focused and diligent practice, a player and the team can learn from that loss and how to fix whatever went wrong.

Improve and Tone Up Skill

To get past losing a game, a team needs to evaluate what went wrong and why. It’s the perfect opportunity to reassess skills and learn how to effectively fine-tune them. Whether it’s missing a free-throw or not being able to hit a curveball, a loss can motivate you to practice until you can. In the next game, you’ll be more likely to make that shot or hit a home run on a curveball after putting more practice into it.

Find a New Mindset

No matter how skilled a player or athlete might be, if they don’t have the right mindset, they are doomed to face another loss. In some instances, a loss can be because there is a lack of confidence coming from the team or their key players. Especially if the loss was against a long-time rival or team that’s had more wins, it can be easy to accept defeat even before it happens. To get over the loss, it is essential to change that mindset and to restore faith in the team and help them refocus. This will improve their chances of winning the next game.

Let It Go

A team or athlete should never waste time dwelling on the loss. Replaying scenarios over and over again of how it could have been different or what went wrong will not change that the loss happened. The best way to come back from a loss is by letting it go and moving on from it. While there will always be room for improvement and going over losses can help you develop skills and improve a team overall, it’s important to remember that it’s just a game and there will be more to come — win or lose.

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Barry Kornfeld

Based in Palm Beach, FL, Barry Kornfeld is a sports buff, small business owner, and commercial finance expert. Learn more at