The Best Marketing Tips for Mom and Pop Shops

Barry Kornfeld
2 min readSep 2, 2021

Branding, marketing, and communication are all essential parts of a small business’s tool kit. This is how a company can stand out from the crowd. More importantly, it’s how a business ensures that potential customers know about them, remember them — and keep coming back.

Traditionally mom and pop stores may have relied on word of mouth, but with the advance of technology, it is now more important than ever to have a marketing campaign strategy. Here’s some advice for mom and pop shops to follow for their next marketing campaign.

Understand Your Target Audience — And Your Competition

Before doing anything else, it is critical that a business — especially a mom and pop shop — understands its clientele . What is the target audience for this shop? Who would find your store or service most appealing?

Then one must also consider the competition. How are their marketing campaigns run? What can your mom and pop shop do to stand out? What makes this shop unique amongst all the rest? Knowing these answers ahead of time will help when it comes time to advertise.

Promote the Unique Nature

Following the first step, any mom and pop shop should now know what makes them unique. Now it’s time to turn that into a marketing strategy . Rely on the unique nature or unique proposition when advertising.

Mom and pop shops can take this a step further by bringing the nature of the store into the advertising. Announce the heart behind the organization, the impact it has on the local community, and any other special features unique to small family-owned businesses.

Don’t Forget Social Media

When advertising for a mom and pop shop, it’s important to remember that social media is an effective means of advertising. Each platform offers access to a different target audience, so rely on the information provided during step one to decide which option is best for the business.

A company has several options when it comes to advertising through social media. The most obvious would be taking advantage of ad space available on the site. This is a practical choice, but not the only one available. Ideally, one should also include a solid social media presence. That is to say — the mom and pop shop should have an active presence on the given platform. Post and communicate regularly, and work hard to create a unique experience for customers. Remember, mom and pop shops have something to offer, as opposed to their counterparts. Let that shine through in social media posts.

Originally published at



Barry Kornfeld

Based in Palm Beach, FL, Barry Kornfeld is a sports buff, small business owner, and commercial finance expert. Learn more at